BCT Institute for Media Productions (BCT) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit media production company that creates socio-educational media projects. The intention behind the production of these projects is to provide the community at-large with the information that it may need to make educated decisions on subjects that are not covered in depth by the regular media. Some topics include, among others, homelessness, alcoholism, diabetes, childhood obesity, asthma, and tuberculosis. BCT also produces motivational videos that encourage youth to pursue an education and enter such careers as those in the area of environmental concerns, or "green jobs," as well as careers in the health profession fields, and others.

BCT started out in 1972 as a family production company known as Bilingual Cine-Television in San Francisco, California, focusing on the production of film and video projects in Spanish for the Latino community nationwide and then later expanded to produce materials in other languages, spreading into other communities. Today, BCT Institute for Media Productions has amplified its focus on creating these projects so that they reach the general public.

Our Mission

To enlighten and educate the general public about social issues affecting the community through media productions.